My Artwork

I would like to share my paintings, drawings and crafts with you. Feel free to browse through my website to get an impression of my artwork. I would be delighted to answer your questions and receive any kind of criticism, feedback, suggestions, wishes and orders.
„If you would like to purchase my artwork, please contact me.“
“Steampunk TrainStation”
Do you like Steampunk? Would you like to see more? Just follow the link below to view my Steampunk picture gallery.
Find out more about me and keep up with my latest projects.
About me
Why do I love art? There is an easy answer to that question.
Before I start a new project, I am excited and anxious to see the result.
While working on a new project I relax and fade out everything. The only things existing is my art and me.
An idea becomes something very personal. Gradually I create a piece of art, which is a part of me and a part of my soul.
Click here,
if you would like to read more about me, my art, my inspiration and my motivation.